Hunter River High School

Quality Relationships, Quality Learning

Telephone02 4987 2306

School Photos

MSP have a new system for families to pay this year.

Parents can order online via MSP Portal:


via QR code

Click 'Sign in with student details'. Enter your child's surname and date of birth, create an account (please note that old accounts made with MSP will not work).


Cut-off date to order FAMILY photos without incurring a late fee is week 4, Thursday 20th February (the day before photo catch up day).

Cut-off date to order SINGLE STUDENT photos without incurring a late fee is week 6, Friday 7th March.

Orders can be made anytime throughout the year but there will be a $20 fee.


If parents/carers would like a different combination of students in separate photos they are best to get a family envelope from Admin 1 and clearly mark who is to be in photos. OR students can bring a note from home on photo day.

Single Parent families now have the option when checking out online to tick a box for their order to be held at the school office for collection so upon delivery the correct photo order is returned to the correct parent.