Hunter River High School

Quality Relationships, Quality Learning

Telephone02 4987 2306



Head Teacher, Mrs Jodie Drayton (Rel.) -

Mathematics Standard Subject Coordinator,
Rural Learning Exchange, Mrs Bec Thomas -

Mr Chris Neal -

Mrs Emma Skinner -

Mrs Laura Drake-Brockman -

Miss Heather Jamieson -

Ms Kaleena Whatson -

Mr Lachlan Milton -

Miss Rebecca Atcheson -

Miss Torilee Parker -


Located:  At the end of B Block


The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. 

By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.

The syllabus consists of the following strands:

  • number and algebra
  • measurement and geometry
  • statistics and probability.

In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:

  • Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12 only)
  • Mathematics Extension 1
  • Mathematics Advanced
  • Mathematics Standard 2
  • Mathematics Standard 1 (Optional HSC examination)
  • Mathematics Life Skills.

Scientific Calculators

Approved scientific calculator is a required piece of equipment for all students doing Mathematics up to an including Year 12. Tests and examinations will require calculator use and students may be severely disadvantaged if they do not develop the skills and confidence using their own one. Casio calculators can be purchased from the Administration 1 office for $20.

Computing Courses

Year 8:  Designing Computer Games

A one semester course that gives a fun way to create games and learn some design and development techniques.

Year 9 & 10: Information and Software Technology (IPT)

Year 11 & 12:  Information Processes and Technology (IPT)

Course Descriptions