Hunter River High School

Quality Relationships, Quality Learning

Telephone02 4987 2306

Technological and applied studies


Head Teacher, Mr Brent Scrivener -

Mrs Megan Hirst -

Mr Chris Edwards -

Mr Ben Howard -

Mrs Josie Beagan -

Mrs Kathy Kirk -

Mr Tyler Gallienne -

Ms Melissa Bull  -

Mrs Belinda Timmins - TAS Assistant


Located: In H Block


Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.

In TAS, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through a design and production process using a range of tools, materials and techniques in theory and practical lessons.

The continuum of technology learning is:

  • mandated from Kindergarten to Year 8 through Science and Technology K-6 and Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 syllabuses
  • based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding to design and produce solutions
  • optional for student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design.

Hunter River High School TAS Department have the best overall facilities in the Hunter Region.  We have a fully functioning Commercial Kitchen.  This facility allows our students to complete courses in Hospitality and Food Technology in an up to date Industry Standard environment.

Secondly the addition of two brand new Metals and Engineering facilities, one that has been designed around the teaching of Metal fabrication and welding and the other targeting the teaching of Metal machining.  Our  woodworking facilities are also a state of the art facility, equipped with the latest tools and machines to enable our students to learn current Building industry construction techniques.

Finally a fifth new learning space has been resourced with a set of laptop computers, making it an ideal theory and design room, and furthermore the inclusion of a set of brand new sewing machines allows this space to also double as a Textiles room. The good news is that the new and upgraded specialist facilities are in addition to our standard practical rooms. Our standard rooms already cater for the teaching of junior subjects that include: Food, Textiles, Wood, Metal, Electronics, Graphics and Design.

The TAS Dept. now has five Electronic Smart Boards. These boards act as totally interactive wall mounted computer screens. 


Courses Offered


Year 7

  • Mandatory Technology

Students follow a Design Process to design, construct and evaluate quality products and or solutions to meet identified needs and or opportunities. Students will gain experience working with various technologies and materials including, but not limited to Timber, Metal, Textiles, Food, Mixed Materials and Computer software packages.


Year 8

  • Mandatory Technology
  • Elective Fashion and accessories
  • Elective Food and Technology
  • Elective Metal Technology
  • Elective Wood Technology
  • Young Inventors
  • Bakehouse


Year 9 and 10

  • Child Studies
  • Electronics Technology
  • Food Technology
  • Graphics Technology
  • Metal Technology
  • Wood Technology
  • Engineering Studies
  • Textiles & Design


The Child studies students complete a unit of work on Pregnancy. Part of this course involves students wearing a Pregnancy Profile Vest for 24 hours. The specially designed vests are filled with warm water and students will personally experience the physical symptoms of pregnancy while wearing the vest and performing common, everyday tasks. They will reflect on their appearance as a pregnant person and examine their personal readiness for pregnancy in relation to their life dreams and expectations. Students will examine the costs of pregnancy, childbirth, raising a child and cultural differences with regard to pregnancy and child rearing. Students also experience two nights caring for a virtual reality baby which is very demanding.  The purpose of this activity is to allow students responsibility and caring for a newborn.


In our Technology courses our students learn more than just practical skills for example the Electronics Technology students learn the names and symbols for electronic components and improved their technical vocabulary. They also learn how to use the International Resistor Colour Coding System. This system not only enables the students to determine the electrical resistance value of components, but also requires the students to use and improve their numeracy skills. Students also build basic electronic circuits and use many hand tools including soldering irons.


Years 11 and 12

  • Design & Technology
  • Community and Family Studies
  • Food Technology
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) – Building Construction
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) – Hospitality
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) – Metal and Engineering

The Hospitality and Food Technologists develop many skills for example the students learn about the importance of hygiene in the preparation and service of food.  The student's also develop skills in reading and interpreting recipes with a strong focus on using measuring equipment to correctly proportion ingredients. The mastery of these skills not only leads to the production of some very tasty dishes, but is also developing and reinforcing the student's literacy and numeracy skills.

Hunter River High School endeavours to provide valuable real life learning experiences for our students. For example, our students run a school cafe and this experience allows them to simulate working life in the Hospitality industry.